About Me

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Just to tell you a little about myself, my name is Vickie and I was born and raised in Kentucky. The majority of my ancestors have been in Kentucky since the 1790’s. I have always loved history, a good mystery and puzzles and that is what Family History Research is all about. As a child we would take day trips on Saturdays and head down some dirt road looking for old cemeteries. A lot of the time we weren't looking for anyone in particular, we just like to read the epitaphs. We would have a picnic lunch packed and have lunch at whatever cemetery we were at. If the weather was bad my Dad and I would go to a courthouse and dig through old records in musty old basements looking for our ancestors. So as you can see I have had an interest in Family History for quite some time.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Descendants of Enoch Renshaw, 1811-1900

I decided to see what all I could find on Enoch Renshaw and his descendants since I have been contacted by a few different people over the past year, asking about what I know about him.

I have been contacted by one descendant of Enoch Renshaw's through his wife, Melinda McCord and by three descendants of his slave woman, Nancy Ann Renshaw, commonly called, Nance.  Our DNA shows we are all related.

I figured the easiest way right now to get all the info I have to all of them is by doing a blog post of all the deceased descendants of Enoch, Melinda and Nancy.

Enoch was my 3rd great-granduncle and I come through his oldest brother, Reed Renshaw who married Lucetta Clark.  These families were all in Christian County, Kentucky and some still live there to this day.  I have wandered all over this county digging up records on my ancestors, as did my Daddy when he was still living.  Hopefully there is information here that will help all of Enoch's descendants find out more about him.

My hope is that this was consensual between Nancy and Enoch and hopefully Melinda did not make things worse for Nancy, since they were having their children around the same time.

Melinda and Enoch were married for 18 years before they had their first child, or at least the first one I have a record of.  Why were there no children in those 18 years?  Did they die young, stillborn, etc?

Enoch had bought Nancy from the estate sale of David Johnson in 1848 and they had their first child together in 1852.  Enoch and Melinda's first known child was born in 1853.  Enoch had 5 known children with Melinda and 5 known children with Nancy.

The following is the obituary of Enoch Renshaw in 1900, just click on the following link:

If anyone has any stories or pictures about any of these people they are willing to share it would be greatly appreciated.  I will update this info here as I find more.  I decided to do a different way to show the descendancy of Enoch then I did when I first uploaded this blog page.  I find it will be easier to update then the way I had it before.  If anyone has new information they would like for me to add, or corrections to what I do have please let me know.  Just click on the following link:

Descendants of Enoch Renshaw

The following documents show the estate records of David Johnson and Enoch Renshaw buying Nance from this estate in 1848.  I have a red star by these parts on pages one and three.

Bill of sale to Enoch Renshaw for slave girl, Nance in 1848, just click on the link:

The Freedman Bureau Records from 1866 between Enoch Renshaw and Nancy Renshaw and her three children, Caroline, Adaline and Jack.

Obituary for Mary Josephine Renshaw Holt in 1913.

The shooting of John M. Renshaw, son of Enoch and Melinda in 1914.

Friday, January 12, 2018

My New Family History Website

The following is the link to my new site:
I am working on setting up a new website to host mine, my husband, Roy's and my Client's family info.

I will be keeping my blog right here though, so I can keep posting stories and other items of interest for everyone.

I have had all my family trees on Rootsweb for years, but Rootsweb went down back at the first of December and it looks like it could be quite awhile before they might be up and running again.

This new site will be going up and down for the next little bit while I get things all set up, but be patient and hopefully it won't take me to long to figure it all out.

I will also be able to add family pictures and attach them to each individual they correspond with.  This part I am really excited about, but right now I am still working on figuring out exactly how to do that.

After you click on the new site, you can click on Roy's side or Vickie's side in the top left corner to see our trees.  Then click on ancestors, then if you click text, you will see pedigree charts like mine looked like on Rootsweb.

I now have 5 trees uploaded as of today's date 24 Jan 2018.  Read the intro on the home page and it will tell you how to access and search through what trees you are looking for.

Any questions, comments or corrections to any of these trees please let me know.