About Me

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Just to tell you a little about myself, my name is Vickie and I was born and raised in Kentucky. The majority of my ancestors have been in Kentucky since the 1790’s. I have always loved history, a good mystery and puzzles and that is what Family History Research is all about. As a child we would take day trips on Saturdays and head down some dirt road looking for old cemeteries. A lot of the time we weren't looking for anyone in particular, we just like to read the epitaphs. We would have a picnic lunch packed and have lunch at whatever cemetery we were at. If the weather was bad my Dad and I would go to a courthouse and dig through old records in musty old basements looking for our ancestors. So as you can see I have had an interest in Family History for quite some time.

Monday, December 29, 2014

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks in 2015

For this new year 2015, which is showing up in just a couple of more days, I am going to try and write a little each week about a different ancestor, some of mine, some of my husbands, maybe even some of my son-in-laws too.  Since a new Doss cousin of mine, Cathy Meder-Dempsey, contacted me a few weeks ago, I have been reading her blog and saw where she was doing a challenge that another blogger had started.  By the way my new cousins blog is located at this address: Opening Doors in Brick Walls.  She has a fantastic blog and I still have tons of reading to do to catch up with everything she has written about her ancestors, some of which, are of course related to me too.  

My cousin had taken the challenge from the following blog: No Story Too Small and the bloggers link at 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks.  This blogger writes, "The challenge: have one blog post each week devoted to a specific ancestor.  It could be a story, a biography, a photograph, an outline of a research problem — anything that focuses on one ancestor.  Not only should this get me blogging more, but also to take a deeper look at some of the people in my family tree." 

I think is this a wonderful idea and hopefully I can keep up and or remember to do one each week. Sometimes things get really busy around here, but I am going to try and do this challenge, not only for myself, but for my children and grandchildren and for my cousins who are following my blog, and who have been asking a lot about their ancestors this past year.  Basically this is why I started my blog because of all the questions I was getting from everyone recently.

I hope all of y'all enjoy the stories, memories, histories, photos, etc. that I hope to publish over the next 52 weeks.

Now I need to decide who I am going to start with, that is going to be the hard part, wish me luck.

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